8-9 October
Bill Morrison
Contact Bill by email
The area and details of the meet
(log in to member's area for restricted information such as mobile numbers)

As part of the skills programme agreed at the March AGM, the club has arranged for an emergency first aid course to run at the hut 8th/9th October. This will be a two day in house course intended to equip attendees with basic first aid skills for emergency situations. The course will have a large practical element and cover areas such as casualty evaluation, common illnesses, hyperthermia, heatstroke, cpr, etc.

The instructor is Allan Shaw who has considerable experience and qualifications in this area.

The course will be subsidised by the club and the cost to members will be £40. 12 places are available. If you are interested please email the membership Secretary at

Full details of the course are available from the document dated 9 June 2022 in the members area of the website