The club is open to all who wish to participate in the club’s activities. There is no need to already know someone in the club, and there is no voting in process with a proposer and seconder. We think you will find that ours is a friendly club.

All we ask is that you attend sufficient meets to enable you to make sure that our club is the right club for you, and equally let us get to know you. Typically, this entails attending 3 meets, or an equivalent as determined by the Membership Secretary.

You are welcome to come to an initial meet with no obligation, and after that we would ask you to complete a registration form as a prospective member.  This gives you temporary insurance cover under our club insurance cover with the BMC, and ensures that you understand and accept the BMC risk statement.

Once you are satisfied that ours is the right club for you, you can fill in a membership application form and submit it to our Membership Secretary at The committee will then process your application. The default position is that you will be admitted unless there are valid objective reasons why it would not be in the club's best interests to do so.