Irby Quarry Cleanup
5 March
The area and details of the meet
(log in to member's area for restricted information such as mobile numbers)
(log in to member's area for restricted information such as mobile numbers)

We are organising a clean up of Irby Quarry to:
* recover climbing routes from vegetation
* remove/ reduce invasive gorse to allow other plants to grow
* remove rubbish
* remove deadwood fire risk
* publicise good stewardship by the club in connection to BMC
Please meet at the quarry at 13:00hrs and if you can bring gloves, cutting and gardening tools, and a high viz vest if you have one, so we look official. Rubble bags and a trailer will be provided - the objective is just a single car load to be tipped.
Climbers please bring your kit for vertical gardening.
No facilities however the Irby Mill pub is a short walk away!